Sunday, March 7, 2010

Why I Started This Blog

My father had kidney transplantation three years ago. At the onset of his end stage renal disease, we (his immediete family) viewed it as a great burden.

I remember how heavy my heart was when I heard for the first time that he was suffering from an end stage renal disease and would require a lifetime of dialysis. My immediete reaction was how are we going to finance his dialysis and other medications. If we won't be able to sustain his treatments he would die.

Papa is now our only parent after my mom died of breast cancer over a decade ago. I couldn't bear the thought of losing another loved ones.

But our greatest burden turn to our greatest blessing! It was an extraordinary journey for our family that we wish to share with other people experiencing the same situation we had few years ago with the hope that they will find inspiration from our story.

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